Box of Chocolates 2.70 Crisis Resolution

Realizing he sitll wasn’t in the best frame of mind for work, Brokk did something else totally out of character – he played hooky from work, making up some reason why he couldn’t possibly come in that day.

“I can’t believe I just did that!” Surprisingly, it felt good. Now he could relax and knock a few more things off his bucket list.

But before Brokk could get down to the business of enjoying his extra day off, he had to go to his eye appointment, which he dind’t want to reschedule. It was nice not to have to call off to go, though.

Brok stopped by the bank to pay off the rest o his mortgage, and the confident feeling freedom the act gave him pushed away the tension he still felt about his midlife crisis, at least for now.

Brokk arrived in Sulani too late to really get any sunbathing done, but he was content to relax on the beach and enjoy the lingering warmth of the tropical evening. He started out at the waves and listened to the calls of seagulls, soothed by the mix of sounds and the salty ocean breeze. Maybe he should bring Mariam next time. Even better, he could get a rental and invite the whole family once his grandchildren were old enough to enjoy the beach.

Back home, Brokk enjoyed dinner with Mariam in the dining room for a change. “How was school?”
“Okay,” Mariam muttered.
“Did something happen?” Brokk asked, picking up on her tone.”
“Nothing happened, okay? Just leave me alone.”
Ah, just teenage hormones then, Brokk surmised. “All right, I won’t pry. But remember you can tell me anything if you need to talk.”
“I know, Dad.” Mariam finished her sandwich and jumped up.

Though it was late, Brokk wasn’t tired. Instead of going to bed, he went outside to do some stargazing. Out here, though Kim had never set foot in the house, he felt closest to her. Maybe because of how she hadied. Which, curiously, hadn’t put Brokk off using the telescope ever again. He just made sure he was vigilant in case another meteor appeared. But it seemed unlikely such a freak accident would ever happen again.

Brokk had barely begun to stargaze when he heard the sound of Bernie being sick. Naturally, the dog came first and Brokk abandoned his plans in favor of making an emergency run to the vet clinic. He supposed this was going to be a regular occursence now that Bernie was getting older. Good thing he could afford the treatments even after paying off the mortgage in one large chunk.

Because he had gotten no sleep the night before due to Bernie’s medical emergency, Brokk took yet another day off. With Bernie settled at the pet sitter’s Brokk used his extra day off to travel to Mt. Komorebi. Another thing he hadn’t done in decades. This time, Brokk fully intended to hit the slopes.
Upon arriving, Brokk was hit with the realization that things weren’t as bad as he originally thought. He might not be the same sim he was before this event, but he was at peace with that.
Since he was here anyway, Brokk decided to go through with his plan.

Brokk’s first stop was at the vending machine to rent skis and get some more suitable snow gear. His jacket was warm enough for a Windenburg spring, but it had no chance against Mt. Komorebi’s freezing temperatures and snow.

Dressed propelry, Brokk headed back out into the cold, deciing he was glad it was overcast instead of sunny. Too much sun reflecting off the snow would be blinding.

Brokk finished his day by relaxing in the hot springs for a n hour or so before deciding it was time to head home. The chilly breeze against his exposed skin kept him from overheating, the warm hot soothing against is sore muscles. Time to get back to normal, which meant work. But he was ready.

A/N: All goals completed.

(2.69) Previous Chapter | Next Chapter (2.71)

One response to “Box of Chocolates 2.70 Crisis Resolution”

  1. cathytea Avatar

    From the sand of the beach to the snow of the slopes! Yay, for time off work!


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